Hello everybody,

I am newbie in QT, but this last month I have been dealing with C++ and the SDK environment. What I want to do is to focus properly in how to develop my application, which is explained in the following:

I have a wireless device which can transmit 802.11 data. It creates a point to point network. I could do this (it has nothing to do with QT yet...) by the next steps:

1- I connect to the network created (by using the windows manager).

2- I do a telnet connection by the hyperterminal by using TCP/IP (Winsock) or executing "telnet 2000" directly from the console.

3- Once it is done, I can send ASCII commands to retrieve data.

Having said that, what I want to do is the steps 2 and 3 automatically and create a QT graphical interface for:

a) Establish some buttons that send specific commands (in the same way I can do with the hyperterminal)

b) Store data received from the device (they are sent in ASCII commands, which I could see in the hyperterminal) and to graph them in the QT graphical interface in "real time" (e.g. send the command "give the state of your output" each second and graph the reception in the graphical interface)

Can you tell me how could I carry out this, or what could be a good starting point (libraries to use)? My main concern is how to manage the wifi connection (because I understand I am doing a telnet procotol in the application layer with TCP/IP protocol in the transport layer, using a wifi connection of type ad hoc -the device connected to my pc-), the graphical part I think can be easy once the connection with the device is established. Also, I would like to know if there is something already done, because I am almost sure that what I want to do can be done with QT.

Any thought will be very useful, since I am in the starting point.

Thanks a lot,
