The first plugin for QDevelop is available here: http://qdevelop.org/plugins. It is a plugin text based on Artistic Style 1.19 which allows to indent and format the text of the current editor.
This plugin works with version 0.21 of QDevelop under development. This version is avalaible on server http://qdevelop.org or on svn.
To install it, open the plugin project, then after compilation, copy the file obtained (.so) or (.dll) present in the directory lib in the sub-directory plugins where the QDevelop application is. If this repertory does not exist, it should be created. Example of structure directory under Linux:
Qt Code:
  1. .
  2. |-- QDevelop-0.21-rev66
  3. | |-- QDevelop
  4. | |-- plugins
  5. | |-- libastyle-plugin.so
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

After having started again QDevelop, a new menu “Plugins |Astyle” is added in the principal menu and makes it possible to launch the plugin. The entry menu “Options | Configures plugins | AStyle” is also added and makes it possible to configure the desired style of indentation.
