Dear all,
I am trying to write the opengl es in QT. But i have a problem and i don't know how to achieve it.
My setting is:

fb0:QT with openql (-qws -display powervr) -->full screen-->HW: frame buffer ARBG(8888)-->A:8(blending bits)
vido:Video layer(Camera Image) -->Full screen

My question is,is it is possible to use qt function with opengl blending the fb0 and video layers?

I want to use Gl functions to achieve an painter, but i cannot let the opengl es blending to the video layer.
If i don't use the open gl es, qt is able to use the ARGB(8888) format to blend to the camera layer. But it is to slow,so i need the opengl.

Does anyone know how to achieve the component?