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Thread: Is there a way to change the appearance of qwtplot

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Qt products

    Default Is there a way to change the appearance of qwtplot

    2d with x and y axises.png

    I want to make a plot with x and y axises that look like the picture above. Can I modify the appearance of qwtplot and how?

    I am new to qt (1 month of experience) and I installed qwt today for the first time. I made the application in the screenshot using the graphicsView of qt. My application should display points like they do in the screenshot but since I needed the zoom and mouseclick functions i decided to give qwt a try. But the default appearance of the qwtplot is not what i was looking for. My plot has to have negative values too. So how can I modify it to look more like the one in the screenshot?

    thanks in advance.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Is there a way to change the appearance of qwtplot

    There are many ways to customize a plot, so the question is a bit unspecific. If it is only about how to put axes on the canvas: you need to attach 2 QwtPlotScaleItems.

    I recommend to check the examples and spend some time on learning the terminology used in Qwt. Then you should be able to ask for the features you need.


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