Hello All, I am new to Qt and I am trying to make a program where when i click the lineedit , a pop up box would show up below . I am able to do that by using
Qt Code:
  1. void MainWindow::on_NRIC_cursorPositionChanged(int arg1, int arg2){
  2. popupKeyboard();//Showing the popup keyboard
  3. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

But after i close the popup and click on the QLineEdit , The popup does not show at all .

There is another problem , When the text fill is filled with letters,Whenever I press Enter on the popup menu, it would take many clicks to close

Qt Code:
  1. QFrame* popupNumpadBed = new QFrame(this, Qt::Tools| Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
  2. popupNumpadBed->resize(600,500);
  3. popupNumpadBed->setAttribute( Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground );
  4. QPushButton *BedEnter= new QPushButton( popupNumpadBed );
  5. BedEnter->setText("Enter");
  6. BedEnter->setGeometry(450,256.66666, 150, 53.33333);
  7. BedEnter->setFocus();
  8. connect(BedEnter, SIGNAL(clicked()), popupNumpadBed, SLOT(hide()));
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Please Help Thank you