
Recently I changed the organization of one of my projects and after trying to run it again from Qt Creator, I got a startup message error saying that it couldn't run (not even QApplication was called in the main function). I did some research on the web and discovered that this was a problem I had encountered before: Qt Creator wasn't being capable of doing the linking with the dlls that are called at run-time.

I found that strange, because I thought that I did all the linking in the .pro file correctly not to mention I was using "QApplication::setLibraryPath" (which in this case wasn't useful since the code wasn't even going there). So I copied all the used dlls to the same place where the .exe was located and, after that, the problem vanished.

My question is: how can I tell Qt Creator to look for the .dlls in any place I want instead of always having to have a copy of each dll inside the same folder where my .exe is located? I guess it should be in the .pro file, but I don't know which command to use (LIBS += C:/Qt/Qwt-6.1.0/lib/qwtd.dll , for example, is not working for that); DEPENDPATH doesn't seems to be the case.

I'm glad for any help!

