Hello everyone,

I am trying to read a text file and process its content.
the file i am using has 10,000,000 lines each line is 80 byte in lenght, so its about 800M in size.

The first step
I read the file line by line and push it into a QList <QByteArray>. <<== declared private inside the a method.

I itarate over the QList parse each line and get from it Key and lineInfo to push into a QHash <QString, lineInfo> <=== declared public in header
The key is a QString====> the key lenght 10 bytes in this case.
the lineInfo is a class with eight private members all are "int"

when this process is done i check the memory using "top" command from a terimnal the application is using about 3g of memory.
any Idea why its using that much of memory and how to reduce that ??

best regards,

Qt 4.8
linux redhat 6.3