I'm an intern at an IT frim and my first duty is to make an console app that sends tweets. I successfully created my header and right now I can sent my HTTPS posts with the header I created . But having an authroization problem altough I'm sure I have correct token and secret values. So I made a research and I found information in this site that says I should use cipher and certificates. My question is since I already installed openssl(havent written any extra code for it but ot having any ssl errors) should I do anything extra and if I should could you please show me how to add cipher(rc4) and certificate(cacert.pem I guess) to my request.

I found about sslsocket but can I add query and http header to it?

Here is the code :
Qt Code:
  1. QNetworkRequest request(url);// url is "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json"
  2. request.setRawHeader(O2_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, buildAuthorizationHeader(oauthParams));
  3. request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, O2_MIME_TYPE_XFORM);
  4. // manager->post(request, postData);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

note: my requests seems right since I can do the pin and token gathering processes
