Hi and welcome

I want to generate a indexed colour bitmap (up to 6 colours) image and write some text on it.
The text shouldn't have any kind of blur, just pure one-coloured pixels (the text is going to be tiny, every pixel matter )

I used the standard:
Qt Code:
  1. pixmap = QPixmap(rect.width(), rect.height())
  2. pixmap.fill(Qt.white)
  4. painter = QPainter()
  5. painter.begin(pixmap)
  6. painter.setFont(font)
  7. painter.rotate(lineAngle)
  8. painter.drawText(linePosX, linePosY, text)
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

The main problem is that when I save the text is a bit blurred.
The second thing is: how to limit the colour number in and image?

Thank you for your help.