Hi. I'm using the popular QWT library in my project. While debugging, the debugger shows me disassembler, even when the qwt sources are present in the project. Following an advice from the forum I created a new subdirectory project, which contains my project and qwt, but I still cannot debug into the qwt library - disassembler shows anyway. What is the procedure to make the debugger get into the qwt files?

Qt Code:
  1. TEMPLATE = subdirs
  3. SUBDIRS += \
  4. qwt \
  5. myproject
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Qt Code:
  1. QT += core gui
  2. CONFIG += qt
  4. TARGET = myproject
  5. TEMPLATE = app
  7. INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../qwt/src
  8. DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../qwt/src
  10. LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../debug/qwt/lib/ -lqwt
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