
I know this is a broad question. If anyone is familiar with Wireshark, I was wondering how to build a search tool bar using that method.

What I would like is to build a query tool using a line editBox or something similar which as users type attribute names and a drop down list is is displayed which they can select from (kind of like a combobox). Next they would enter a value followed by a Boolean operator which concatenates multiple requests accordingly. The thing is the parsing of the input data appears to be calculated. Here is an example.

(ABC.agh > 3 && DEF.gju <= 245.0) OR mmn.kkjds != 100

So essentially as a user types AB, they get a drop down list such as ABC, ABD, ABL, etc. After they select "ABC.", they get a new list of attributes associated with ABC which in the above case is agf, etc. Once all is entered I need to parse across and evaluate the query.

I'm just wondering if there is a clever way of doing this may be not an lineEdit Widget, perhaps something different?

Any help would be appreciated? Could there is a library for this already?
