I have a QMultiMap<QString, QString> data structure.
Now, I want to insert the different QString values to the same key. The insertion is just based in the insertion order.
For example if I do
map.insert("mykey", "myvalue_1");
map.insert("mykey", "myvalue_2");
map.insert("mykey", "myvalue_3");
map.insert("mykey", "myvalue_4");

I would have the values in this order:

1. "myvalue_1"
2. "myvalue_2"
3. "myvalue_3"
4. "myvalue_4"

But what I have is:

1. "myvalue_4"
2. "myvalue_3"
3. "myvalue_2"
4. "myvalue_1"

From the QMultiMap::insert documentation it says that values belonging to the same key are inserted in reverse order.
How can I achieve what I need?

I tried with
map.insert(map.constEnd(), "mykey", "myvalue_1"); but the result is the same

Thank you