Hello, i have posted in qt-mailing list two emails with this problem but i have not get any reply, i have been searching the forum but i cant find my same problem posted, so here i go, i will post the two complete messages.


i am trying to subclass QSqlQueryModel to write with it, i need this because not qsqltablemodel or
qsqlrelationaltablemodel fills my needs, i would like to do joins and insert in multiple tables, i have
implemented "flags" and "setData" methods and it works ok now, i have made a "refresh" method to reload the
contents on update because tableView not reload them with datachanged signal and all works ok but now i am
trying to implement insertrow or insertrows without luck, this is the code i am using now, it is python (i am
using pyqt) but i think is easy to read.

this in model:

def insertRows(self, position, rows=1, index=QModelIndex()):
self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), position, position + rows - 1)
setdataquery = QSqlQuery(self.cursor)
setdataquery.exec_(QString("INSERT INTO SCHEMA.FAKE_TABLE (FAKE1, FAKE2, FAKE3) VALUES (4, 2, 'PEPITO')"))
self.dirty = True
return True

this in qdialog:

def addRecord(self):
row = self.querymodel.rowCount()
index = self.querymodel.index(row, 0)

After execute this method i can view the new row in tableview but i get this in stdout.

edit: index was invalid
edit: editing failed

and i cant not edit the new line, i have test the row number rowCount() assign and it is ok, i dont know how
to fix this, anyone can help me please?


I am goin crazy with this problem, i have tested with qsqltablemodel subclassing and it works ok if a dont
write the insertRows method in the subclass, this snippets are python using PyQt:

(model subclass, this does nothing apart from inherit of QSqlTableModel)
class SkudaSqlTableModel(QSqlTableModel):
def __init__(self, dbcursor=None):
super(SkudaSqlTableModel, self).__init__()

def addRecord(self):
row = self.querymodel.rowCount()

this works ok and gives me an new row with an '*' in the vertical header and i can edit the line but if i do this:

(model subclass, reimplement insertRows method)
class SkudaSqlTableModel(QSqlTableModel):
def __init__(self, dbcursor=None):
super(SkudaSqlTableModel, self).__init__()

def insertRows(self, position, rows=1 , index=QModelIndex()):
self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), position, position + rows - 1)
return True

def addRecord(self):
row = self.querymodel.rowCount()

i get a new line with the next number in the vertical header (not *) and i cant edit the line. So i suppose i
have any problem in my insertRows method but i have read the QSqlTableModel source code insertRows method, i
paste here the strategy OnRowchange because is what i am using.

bool QSqlTableModel::insertRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent)
if (row < 0 || count <= 0 || row > rowCount() || parent.isValid())
return false;

switch (d->strategy) {
case OnRowChange:
if (count != 1)
return false;
beginInsertRows(parent, row, row);
d->insertIndex = row;
// ### apply dangling changes...
emit primeInsert(row, d->editBuffer);
return true;

I cant find any other action to implement in my method apart from beginInsertRows and endInsertRows, i am not
using the insertIndex number (i use rowCount()), not clearEditBuffer() because i have no buffer to clear in
this test and primeInsert is a signal no connected to anything so i dont emit it, anyway i have tried using
exactly the same (all of them) in my method with exactly the same problem, can anyone please open my closed
mind with this annoying problem? i will use qsqltablemodel subclass with setQuery (inherited from QSqlQuery)
to do joins and other stuff if i cant fix this (but this is not recommended in documentation).

If anyone can open my mind i would be very pleased, i cant get to reimplement insertrows correctly, any other good way to use my own SQL queries in model/view in qt?