Hello, i have a problem with QCheckBox.

I have two checkboxes:
Checkbox A and Checkbox B

Checkbox A is dependently on checkbox B
Cehckbox B is dependently on checkbox A

If I set checkbox A checked(true), checkbox B must be set checked(false).
If I set checkbox B checked(ture), checkbox A must ne set checked(false).

The problem is i can not handle this in one SLOT-function, because I don't know wich checkbox released the SIGNAL toggled(bool).

Qt Code:
  1. connect(AcheckBox, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
  2. this, SLOT( dependencyCheckBox( bool )));
  3. connect(BcheckBox, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
  4. this, SLOT( dependencyCheckBox( bool )));
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

How can I find out which checkbox was checked? Can I handed Over the object name?

so long
