I was wondering if it is possible to find minimum and maximum (lBound and hBound) of given axis.
THe QwtPlot Documentation vaguely mentions about it:

const QwtScaleDiv * QwtPlot::axisScaleDiv (int axisId ) const
Return the scale division of a specified axis.
axisScaleDiv(axisId)->lBound(), axisScaleDiv(axisId)->hBound() are the current limits of the axis scale.

However, when I tried to use it, it always returned me 0 for lBound and hBound.
Is there any other way to get minimum and maximum on a scale?

If it is difficult to get minimum and maximum of a axis, I have modified my Qwt and implemented couple of methods in QwtPlot class:
double axislBound(int axisId);
double axishBound(int axisId);
where axisId is the enum for axis and these functions return l or h bound of that axis or 0 if axisId is invalid.
I would very much appreciate your help if there already exist a simple way to get these values, or if not, if this would be a good patch.