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Thread: removeRows in a QTreeView

  1. #1
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    Default removeRows in a QTreeView

    I am using the basic QStandardItemModel to populate a QTreeView.

    I have looked over all the removeRow/removeRows issues I could find on this forum, but they were not able to solve my problem.

    I have been retrieving indexes to append and edit items in the QTreeView, but for some reason when I call removeRow on the this index I get bizarre behavior. I typically see nothing happen but occasionally a child node will disappear.

    I have tried removing the nodes using this approach:

    Qt Code:
    1. QModelIndex index = ui.settings_treeView->currentIndex();
    2. QStandardItem *item = settings_model->itemFromIndex( index );
    3. int row = settings_model->itemFromIndex( index )=>row();
    4. settings_model->removeRow( row, index );
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    And I have tried this approach:

    Qt Code:
    1. QItemSelectionModel *selection = ui.settings_treeView->selectionModel();
    2. QModelIndex index = ui.settings_treeView->currentIndex();
    3. settings_model->removeRows( selection->currentIndex().row(), 1, index );
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    But random nodes start disappearing.

    This seems like something that should be easy. I'm not sure why it isn't working for me.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: removeRows in a QTreeView

    You want to remove the currently highlighted item?

    Qt Code:
    1. QTreeView *tv = ...;
    2. QModelIndex current = tv->currentIndex();
    3. if(current.isValid()){
    4. tv->model()->removeRow(current.row(), current.parent());
    5. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
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  4. #3
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    Default Re: removeRows in a QTreeView


    I wasn't sure about that parent thing. It didn't look easy to find the parent, but I guess it comes with the index.

    Also the validity check is nice to know about.

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