Qt4.6.0 does't work on beagle
I build Qt follow this

all that remains is to adjust /etc/powervr.ini on the target to be:
Qt Code:
  1. [default]
  2. WindowSystem=libpvrQWSWSEGL.so
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
deploy it and Qt to my board, and after shutting down X, run the example with
the following arguments:
Qt Code:
  1. ./hellogl_es2 -qws -display powervr
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

it's just a blank widget in the middle with green color, nothing bubblies to be showed out.
the buiding is well done without any error, and gl2info shows many messages, don't have any problem.

could you help?

many thanks.