
not 100% sure this is the right forum, but didn't know where to post build like stuff.
Edit: ok i found out that it should be in installation and deployment, sorry about that. If a mod could move it.

I recently reinstalled Qt. First time i used the Qt SDK: Complete Development Environment. (for Mac)
The reason i reinstalled was that i need the sql-drivers, so scnd time i downloaded the libraries and built everything myself. (Apart from the Webkit - Sqldrivers conflict) Everything went well uptill here.

But then i tried to build a project and a problem rose. qmake was still using my old include directories. Of course, this didn't work as qmake couldn't find the right files.

So now my question is, how do i change my directories? My guess is the first install set a environment variable that's still somewhere around. But i don't know what to do about it ..

any help appreciated!

P.S: If any more info needed to help, pls ask!