I want to dynamically create 10 (or more) widgets of the same type (name it PlotWidget). These widgets are created within QMainWindow. Each of these widgets will show data of a different data-source.

One single thread is created (inside QMainWindow) for all the computations. Results are stored in this thread for each data-source.

Now the task is to send the data (maybe via signal/slot) to the mentioned widgets.
My problem is, that when connecting a signal (emitted from the thread) to the slot (inside the widgets), I can't name the target widget. This means, the thread has to iterate over all data-sources and send multiple signals to the widgets. But - how does the widget know, the data is for itself and not for a different widget.

Best way would be to have a mechanismn to register each widget with the thread, so the thread knows it's targets for the different data-sources. But how to accomplish this via signal/slots?
As far as I understand it, there has to be a dedicated signal for each widget to address it directly, but I would like to have it the dynamic way!

Any hints are greatly appreciated.