I recently had to edit my program to send my soap message that is already in a qdomdocument, so I used QNetworkAccess Manager to send it, but is there anyway to actually send it without using signals and slots? Because for QNetworkAccessManager, the connect method uses signal and slots, is there a way to go around it and actually send the soap request without using signal and slot?

Here's a fragment of my code

Qt Code:
  1. connect(&manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(finished(QNetworkReply *)) );
  3. QNetworkAccessManager manager;
  4. QString data = document.toString();
  6. QNetworkRequest networkReq;
  7. networkReq.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, QLatin1String("text/xml;charset=utf-8"));
  8. networkReq.setRawHeader("SOAPAction", "myurl");
  9. networkReq.setUrl(url);
  11. QNetworkReply *r = manager.post(networkReq, data.toAscii());
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Currently this is what Im doing, but I would prefer to NOT use signal and slots, before this there was QHttp but unfortunately it has been removed and replaced with QNetworkAccessManager, so can anyone advice me how I could change my codes to not use signal and slots?
