Hello everyone! First and on top of all I am very very sorry for my poor English skills and I am very very sorry if I mislead someone with my explanations.

I am writing a Qt4 Application to launch an external application with different parameters. with the following layout:

4 Classes, 1 is just a container with a QTabWidget in it (this is class0).
Other 3 classes are the actual tabs.
class1 has a QComboBox with parameteres for the external application and a QPushButton, connected to a slot, whose functionality is described below.

class3 has a QPushButton that calls a QFileDialog to choose the external application and a QLineEdit with ReadOnly enabled. When file is selected, the QLineEdit displays the path to the program.

The slot in class1 does the following:
gets the QString from the QLineEdit and launches the external application with the parameters chosen from the QComboBox.

My question is is it possible to access the public QLineEdit in class3 from class1 and get the QString from it to use it in the QProcess and if it is, how?

Thanks for your time and again, I'm sorry for my poor English skills.