This is the frst time I'm trying to make an application run independently of QTCreator in Windows XP.
My steps were to go to a Qt Dos prompt and di did this

Qt Code:
  1. MinGW32-Make clean
  2. qmake -config release
  3. MinGW32-Make
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
in the directory of my application.

I did not compile any plugins, because I supposed that there were none.

Then I copied my application executable to a directory DeploymentTest
along with lots of DLL's until there was no complaining of DLL not found.
However after those complaints were gone I still got a complaint (which I am translating from the French)
the entry point of the procedure _Z17qt_message_output9QtMsgTypePKc cannot be found.
What kind of mistake on my part does this bring to mind?