Hello, I have to port an old Qt3 application to Qt4 and I am in a great hurry.
(Not my mistake, but that's the way it is)

With qt3to4 and some manual editing I have converted the old QSomeStuff to Q3SomeStuff and finally managed to compile the proggy.
But linking is giving me problems

g++ -Wl,-O1 -o TedQt AtomicChg.o BagOfCats.o CmdEffect.o Command.o CommandHistory.o CopyCmd.o DataTree.o DeleteNodeCmd.o DisplayNodeCmd.o EditFile.o EditTask.o FindToken.o main.o NewSuperAciCmd.o Node.o NodeExpert.o NodeKnowledge.o NodeKnowledgeTAP3_10.o NodeKnowledgeTAP3_11.o NodeKnowledgeTAP3_4.o PasteNodeCmd.o QtFileDialog.o QtFileNewDialog.o QtFilePreview.o QtFindCmd.o QtInsertAnyNodeCmd.o QtInsertNodeCmd.o QtNodeDualEditor.o QtSuperFindCmd.o QtTedListItem.o QtTedTableItem.o QtTreeViewer.o tedqtmainwindow.o TedUtilities.o TreeViewer.o UndoCmd.o moc_EditTask.o moc_QtFileDialog.o moc_QtFileNewDialog.o moc_QtFindCmd.o moc_QtInsertAnyNodeCmd.o moc_QtInsertNodeCmd.o moc_QtNodeDualEditor.o moc_QtSuperFindCmd.o moc_QtTedListItem.o moc_QtTreeViewer.o moc_tedqtmainwindow.o moc_tedqtmainwindowbase.o tedqtmainwindowbase.o -L/usr/lib -lQt3Support -lQtGui -lQtCore -lpthread

Command.o: .rodata._ZTV6QGList vtable for QGList+0x18: undefined reference to `QGList::clear '
Command.o: .rodata._ZTV6QGList vtable for QGList+0x20: undefined reference to `QGList::~QGList '
Command.o: .rodata._ZTV6QGList vtable for QGList+0x28: undefined reference to `QGList::~QGList '
Command.o: .rodata._ZTV6QGList vtable for QGList+0x30: undefined reference to `QPtrCollection::newItem void*'
Command.o: .rodata._ZTV6QGList vtable for QGList+0x40: undefined reference to `QGList::compareItems void*, void*'
Command.o: .rodata._ZTV6QGList vtable for QGList+0x48: undefined reference to `QGList::read QDataStream&, void*&'
Command.o: .rodata._ZTV6QGList vtable for QGList+0x50: undefined reference to `QGList::write QDataStream&, void* const'
Command.o: .rodata._ZTI6QGList typeinfo for QGList+0x10: undefined reference to `typeinfo for QPtrCollection'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** TedQt Error 1
(Had to replace the brackets and parantheses or it would not let me post this thread ...)

I have googled for this but didn't find anything that did help.
For linking there is
-lQt3Support -lQtGui -lQtCore
on the command line, but QGList and QPtrCollection references are not satisfied.

Any help is appreciated