
Sorry for the newb question.

I have qwt svn version 816 built and installed, alongside qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-rc1 and
Qt Creator 2.0.90.

In QtDesigner I can see many QwtWidgets, including QwtPlot. I can drag and drop QwtPlot, and compile and run it.

However, I do not see QwtPlotSpectogram in the QwtWidgets list, and I don't know how one might alter QwtPlot into QwtPlotSpectogram inside the Designer.

Also (newb again), within Designer can someone show me how to set up a button signal/slot to send data to the qwtPlotSpectrogram?

I have looked at the specgoram example code and it is clear, but how to set it up from scratch in the Designer?
