
it's been 2 days that I try to install QWT on my computer but it don't works...
so, can we resume the step to install qwt on windows for a mingw32 compilator.

that is my actions:
1°) i install Qt SDK
2°) i download Qwt6-0-0 and i put it in the folder: QtSDK
3°) i go in the console QtSDK: Qt 4.7.3 for deskop (minGW)
4°) i enter the command: " qmake qwt.pro "
5°) i enter the command: " mingw32-make "
6°) i enter the command: " mingw32-make install"
7°) i enter the command "qmake -set QMAKEFEATURES"

now i think qwt is installed but when i run this project (see bellow) it don't work for any reasons:

Qt Code:
  1. #include <QApplication>
  2. #include <qwt_plot.h>
  4. int main(int argc, char** argv)
  5. {
  6. QApplication app(argc,argv);
  7. QwtPlot myPlot;
  8. myPlot.show();
  9. return app.exec();
  10. }
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what i have forgotten ?

==> i have try too to change data in config file or other think but i don't understand that i do and it don't works too...

==> is there specific thing that i have to do when i create a project when Qt ?
i create a new project (empty project) and i had just a main.cpp file ... it's this ?

ps: my english is bad, i am sorry