Qt Code:
  1. <program>
  2. <id>1306917122529</id>
  3. <starttime></starttime>
  4. <endtime></endtime>
  5. <layout><slide fileURL="E:/123&.jpg"/></layout>
  6. <title><![CDATA[1080*1920-ff]]></title>
  7. </program>
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Qt Code:
  1. dom = QDomDocument()
  2. dom.setContent(xml)
  3. root=dom.documentElement()
  4. p_nodeList = dom.childNodes()
  5. i=0
  6. while i<p_nodeList.count():
  7. nodeList=p_nodeList.at(i).childNodes()
  8. print nodeList.count()
  9. i=i+1
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
i used above code to print the counts of the children of a program node, For xml with "&" in it ,output is 4, but if i delete "&", output is 5,so why this happen?

sry for my english and thx in advance