hello every one i want to ask that i have a main widget i which there are some buttons label list box etc and also 2 scroll areas in scroll area i show the graph. but as the name suggest that in scroll area my whole graph is not visible at one time. i want to show my whole graph at time in the same space means that graph must adjust to fit in that particular area what should i do some one suggest me QVBoxLayout but i don't find it in the tool list .

so far i have sone this

Qt Code:
  1. myplot * p = new myplot(gao.structpayloadgraph,gao1.structpayloadgraph, gao.structcol-2, "payload");
  3. myplot * p1 = new myplot(gao.structsessiongraph,gao.structsessiongraph ,gao.structcol-2, "session");
  4. p->resize(ui->scrollArea->size().width() ,ui->scrollArea->size().height());
  5. p->show();
  6. p1->resize(ui->scrollArea_2->size().width() ,ui->scrollArea_2->size().height());
  7. p1->show();
  8. ui->scrollArea->setWidget(p);
  9. ui->scrollArea_2->setWidget(p1);
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kindly help me i will be very thank full to you