Hello everybody,

I am dealing with a simple application using a main window with menu bar and tool bar. After that, I set as main widget a QGraphicsView and inside it a QGraphicsScene. What I do is basically design inside QGraphicsScene and it works. But, my problem is that I don't get the size of the View and Scene.
1) I do
scene->setSceneRect(0,0,view->width(), view->height())
to set the scene as big as the view size, that in my case, because I used the showFullScreen() method in the main window, is 640x480. Doing so, I get the scene in the center of the window and the size is a quarter of the main window. Why the scene is not the full size of the view?

2) If I set, for example,
scene->setSceneRect(0,0,view->width()+200, view->height()+200)
then it is bigger as I would want.

My question is how can I do to get the scene the size of the View and why the view->width() does not work as parameter above. I would really appreciate any help, thx