I'm building an application with the intention that its cross-platform. I have tried to not use any system-specific code, although I'm developing on Linux.
I have run into the following problem when moving some code that worked perfectly before, when in the main thread, into a separate thread.
When executing, the application aborts after the following message:

KGlobal::locale() must be called from the main thread before using i18n() in threads. KApplication takes care of this. If not using KApplication, call KGlobal::locale() during initialization.

I'm surprised that I'm getting an error which seems to be KDE-related. Is there any way I can fix this without KDE-specific code?

The line that makes this error appear is the following:

Qt Code:
  1. audio = new Phonon::AudioOutput(Phonon::MusicCategory);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Thanks in advance.