I'd like to draw a custom background for items in a table widget that shows a visual representation of some progress. Maybe some pseudocode will explain it better:

Qt Code:
  1. CustomProgressBar pb;
  2. pb.setColor(LIGHT_GREEN); // set progress bar color to light green
  3. pb.setHeight(100); // consume 100% of space vertically
  4. pb.setWidth(30); // consume 30% of space horizontally
  5. pb.setAutoResize(true); // resize progress bar if parent item is resized
  7. newItem->setBackground(pb);
  8. newItem->setText("My Movie Watchlist (30% Completed)");
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Here's what it's supposed to look like with HTML/CSS: http://jsfiddle.net/wShQR/

What do I need in order to do this?
