
In my program i have to access and change the value of a variable from different QML-files and from Javascript-files.
I'm using a JavaScript file to store the value:
Qt Code:
  1. //GlobalData.js
  3. .pragma library
  4. var myValue = 42;
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In my QML-files i use the variable like this:
Qt Code:
  1. //example.qml
  3. import "GlobalData.js" as GData
  5. ...
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Everything works fine. There is only one instance of the GlobalData.js file and every QML-document can read and write myValue.

But now, i included GlobalData.js into a JavaScript like this:
Qt Code:
  1. //myJavaScript.js
  3. Qt.include("GlobalData.js");
  4. console.log(myValue);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

The problem is, that myJavaScript.js seems to create its own instance of GlobalData.js, so that if I modify myValue in a QML-Document, it's not changing in myJavaScript.js.

Is there any possibility to let myJavaScript access the same instance of GlobalData.js as the QML-Documents do, instead of creating its own one?

Thank You for your help