Hello everyone, I have a PC running Windows XP 32-bit Slackware 14.0.
For a long time I used Qt 4.8.2 and Qt Creator 2.5.2 for MinGW version 4.4 and 4.6.2 for Windows XP and then the Linux version without any problems on both OS .
Now I wanted to upgrade to the latest version, ie to 5.1.1. Installation went smoothly (for the moment I am trying on Windows XP) but I discovered to my amazement that Qt Creator 2.8 was compiled with MS Visual C + + with MinGW and not as I would have expected given that the installation file is
qt-windows-opensource-5.1.1-x86-mingw48_opengl-offline.exe that says MinGW 4.8.
In any case, continue with the test and run the compilation of OpenGLWindow that proceeds successfully, but surprise, surprise when I start the compile I get these messages in the output window:
Qt Code:
  1. Starting C:\Qt\Qt5.1.1\5.1.1\mingw48_32\examples\gui\openglwindow\release\openglwindow.exe
  2. getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glCreateProgram'
  3. getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glCreateProgramARB'
  4. getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glCreateProgramObject'
  5. getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glCreateShader'
  6. ecc...
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Someone has happened the same thing ? What should I do ?