Recently I installed Qt 5.2.0 in Windows 7 success (?) and tried to install in Centos 6.0 but failed. I just wonder is there anyone has successful stories about both machines?

1. In Windows 7, I installed qt-windows-opensource-5.2.0-mingw48_opengl-x86-offline.exe (my Windows 7 is set for 32 bits). It seems to me to use Qt Designer to create GUI and using its signal/slot tools did not work. (I have used Qt 3.3.6 in RedHat 5.X for years, to set for singal/slot worked very friendly and easily.) Does anyone has the same problem? I purchased two books: C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 2nd edition by Jasmin Blanchette, and Advanced Qt Programing, Creating Great Sofware with C++ and Qt 4. Both books has talked very little about using Qt Designer to generate GUI, I wonder why? I knew the books are for Qt 4, but there is no Qt 5.2 book available ...)

2. I Centos 6.0, I tried to install from qtx11extras-opensource-src-5.2.0.tar.gz, it failed. Then, I tried to install from, it failed, too. (my Centos 6.0 machine is set for 64 bits) Can anyone instruct me how to install Qt 5.2.0 into Centos 6.0?
