I've made a class (inherited QMainWindow - I'll call it MyMainWindow here) where I've reimplemented the dropEvent and the mousePressEvents in order to let me re-parent QDockWidgets by dragging and dropping them between different instances of MyMainWindow. It currently re-parents them fine, except after re-parenting them it doesn't go straight to letting the user choose where to dock the re-parented QDockWidget on the MyMainWindow like I was hoping it would.

I found however that it will do this after I move my mouse over the top left corner of the MyMainWindow object's dock. I wanted to know if there was a way that I could capture what events are occurring so when I mouseover the top left of the widget I could find what signal it was and manually trigger it at the end of my dropEvent.

Alternatively if there was a way to manually call the function that lets a user move where a QDockWidget is docked that would also work.
