Quote Originally Posted by .Tommy. View Post
When I started this thread I had compiled a project from the 2 ui files and placed all the header and source files into the same directory which contains the ui files, but the modification I made been overridden when I ran the app and did not show, only in Q Creator they did work.
That does not make any sense. Either it works or it doesn't.
Sounds to me like you are starting two different programs.

Quote Originally Posted by .Tommy. View Post
Sorry, that I did not mention that I removed the project files and worked only on the ui files after that.
Ah, so you don't have any actual program anymore.
How do you "start" that then? Without any code there is no executable, nothing to start.

Quote Originally Posted by .Tommy. View Post
Anyway, right now the only modification is that I added the visible property to the QFrame class inside the ExtendFrame.ui
So yet another unrelated modification compared to the previous posting.
Why do you keep modifying these files instead of first focusing to get it to work again?

There is little point in trying to help you if you keep doing all kinds of unrelated changes everytime you come back.

Quote Originally Posted by .Tommy. View Post
The QPushButton which is not working anymore is in the MiniFrame.ui and it is still there and clickable but nothing happens when it is clicked.
Well, if you removed all the code that actually implemented the functionality, then why do you expect anything to work at all?
You can't even start it anymore, right?

Quote Originally Posted by .Tommy. View Post
If I can get the button to work again I'm done.
You could start by actually having a program to work on.
Add the source and headers back into the project and verify that you can build and run it before attempting any further modifcations to files that are useless stand-alone.
