Hi there guys, I am developing this client-server program. The client is supposed to login to the server before an operation is conducted by the server. This is not so much a problem but rather its just me trying to find out if there a conventional way of handling this scenario. The client sends the login details to the server in a QByteArray (i.e. using a QTcpSocket) and the server invokes the QTcpServer::incomingConnection() function. Lets assume that my username is "Mr_NiceGuy" and my password is "Happy@#guy", the server receives this data in the following format "NiceGuyHappy@#guy", how does the server split the two string for authentication. I have a few ideas, for example I though of not splitting the string but instead join the username and password from the database into one string and then just match the two strings. But I don't know is this is the tried and tested way of doing this. Thanking you in advance.