
Do you know when an item view uses the mimeTypes() , mimeData and dropMimeData functions ?

I've done sth really strange :
in my item view, in the function "mouseMoveEvent",
I create an new QDrag and the mimeData is the following :

Qt Code:
  1. QMimeData* m=model()->mimeData(selectedIndexes())
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Don't you think it's done automatically ?

Moreover, in the example "puzzle with item views", the function "dropMimeData" is defined in the model but it doesn't seem to be used. The same for mimeTypes().
I thought it was called by the view.

And last question : assume that I select several items, which are not following each others, can I use the function insertRows ? I can't use "insertRow" because it isn't virtual and I subclassed the model.
