
I have a problem, with drag and drop in a qtreewidget. I try to use drag in drop inside a QTreewidget (qt version 4.3.3). I found this simple tutorial (see "Drop to customized QTreeWidget") on the web:


It works, but there is a problem, that was already mentioned (but not answered) in:


For a CopyAction, the dropMimeData function is called, and I can use the QMimeData do get the information I need. For a MoveAction (i.e. if the Shift Key is pressed while dragging&dropping) the dropMimeData function is not called - but anyhow the dragged/dropped items are moved in the QTreeWidget. The behaviour of the dragging and dropping is "nearly" as expected, but I am not able to "react" to MoveActions.

Is it a bug or a feature that the dropMimeData function is not called for MoveActions? If it is a bug, is it already fixed? If it's a feature - what is the correct way to get in control of "what happens after a MoveAction"?

Thank you very much in advance!
