Hello forum,

how to proceed. I'd like to program an application that will be displayed on an X11 server with a touch screen. Resolution 640x480. The application will be controlled using pushButtons, to go back and forth between menus, and to also control the application and its settings.

I started out creating different .ui files for the different screens, along with the buttons to access each other screen. Note that this is not like a "Wizard" where there is a pre-defined order of screens that are to be displayed; I need to be able to access any screen at any time. Within the ui files, I've created "QFrames" that are 640x480.

Since I am new to Qt, I do not know how to connect these frames, e.g. how would you proceed to connect the Signal "clicked()" of one button to the desired frame's "show()" as well as the current QFrame's "hide()"? Is that even the way to do it?

I've looked at QStackWidget but that does not seem to be what I am looking for (I don't like the left-right controls in the upper right corner and couldn't find the switch to turn them off in the QtCreator.

I don't need a menu bar, no tool bar, no status bar, just large buttons that can easily be pressed using a finger.

Can someone point me in the right direction? Sample code would also be appreciated.

Thanks much,
