I am trying to install Qt4.1.4 on a Solaris 8 machine. When I un-tar the qt archive, many of the filenames are missing characters (i.e. signalsloteditor_plugin.cp) at the end of the file. I thought this was due to a filename length restriction of 256 characters when using tar, but the path + filename only equalled 119 characters. This happens on many files in the archive, one directory in particular is ./tools/designer/components/signalsloteditor. The messed up filenames are causing WARNINGs when running ./configure:
WARNING: failure to find: ../signalsloteditor/signalsloteditor_plugin.cpp

Also, some of the files are missing completely, such as q3mainwindow/q3mainwindow_container.h. However, there is a file in the root directory where I un-tar'ed the archive names "@LongLink".

I have tried redownloading qt from both a linux and windows machine, but no luck. I even downloaded the opensource version located on the QtCentre main page. Each different download does the same thing.

I have sucessfully installed Qt4 on Linux and Windows prior to this, and this is my first attempt at Solaris. I have never had any problems installing Qt on Linux. I am running:
Solaris 8 (also tried on Solaris 9)
Sun cc/CC 5.6 and 5.7 (Studio 9 and Studio 10)

Please help!