Hey guys .. I recently tried to use some Maemo5 specific classes (e.g. QMaemo5ListPickSelector, etc ..), and I'm getting some strange compile time errors ..

Here is a small code I was trying out:

Qt Code:
  1. QMaemo5ValueButton *x = new QMaemo5ValueButton("Hello");
  2. QStandardItemModel model (10,2);
  3. int i,j,k;
  4. for(j=0;j<=1;j++)
  5. {
  6. k=0;
  7. for(i=0;i<=9;i++)
  8. {
  9. QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(QString("%0").arg(k));
  10. k+=5;
  11. model.setItem(i,j,item);
  12. }
  13. }
  14. x->setValueLayout(QMaemo5ValueButton::ValueBesideText);
  15. QMaemo5ListPickSelector *sel = new QMaemo5ListPickSelector();
  16. sel->setModel(&model);
  18. x->setPickSelector(sel);
  20. QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout();
  21. hbox->addWidget(x);
  23. QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout();
  24. vbox->addLayout(hbox);
  25. vbox->addWidget(canvas);
  27. scrollArea->setLayout(vbox);
  29. setCentralWidget(scrollArea);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

And this is the error I get:

And this is the same error in more detail:

I have installed the complete Nokia Qt SDK, and that is what is being used here as well ... The Maemo5 specific libraries are only 'seen' when I select 'Maemo' as the output device ..

Anyone know how can I fix these errors .. ?

I had a hard time configuring Qt Creator the first time round as well, and I really dont want to have to all kinds of un/re-installs all over again