I'm centroid and I'm newbie in qwt. I have to create a plot similar to the qwt example spectrogram, in that example , it defines a class SpectrogramData (codes followed in ps),and it use the data like this,d_spectrogram->setData(SpectrogramData());
but I want to use the data from files or matrix,how can I do this with Qwt?
Thank you in advance.


class SpectrogramData: public QwtRasterData
QwtRasterData(QwtDoubleRect(0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 3.0))

virtual QwtRasterData *copy() const
return new SpectrogramData();

virtual QwtDoubleInterval range() const
return QwtDoubleInterval(0.0, 10.0);

virtual double value(double x, double y) const
const double c = 0.842;

const double v1 = x * x + (y-c) * (y+c);
const double v2 = x * (y+c) + x * (y+c);

return 1.0 / (v1 * v1 + v2 * v2);

it uses the data like this
Plot::Plot(QWidget *parent):
d_spectrogram = new QwtPlotSpectrogram();
Reading the Qwt User's Guide 5.2.1,I find this in QwtRasterData Class Reference:
void QwtRasterData::initRaster(const QwtDoubleRect & ,const QSize & raster) [virtual]

Initialize a raster.

Before the composition of an image QwtPlotSpectrogram calls initRaster, announcing the area and its resolution that will be requested.

The default implementation does nothing, but for data sets that are stored in files, it might be good idea to reimplement initRaster, where the data is resampled and loaded into memory.

rect Area of the raster
raster Number of horizontal and vertical pixels
See also:
initRaster(), value()

maybe it is useful,but how can I reimplement initRaster?
Hope for your help.Thank you!