
I'm having a doubt about how to create a software with the possibility of being installed and showed in different languages. So here is the details:

normally when we get a more professional software (e.g. linux), in the sense that is not something just private, we may want the software to be installed by different people in their own national languages. So for example, if my software is being used by a german, it would be nice if it presents the possibility of showing its contents in German, while if my software is being seen by a Brazilian, he would like to see it in portuguese.

Now normally this language functionality is solved during the process of installation, when the user decides in which language the software should appear.

In order to do that, I imagined the following algoritm: there should be as much as txt files for the pretended languages (let us say, german and english, so two txt files), each of them with the names of buttons and so forth in the same order. So when the software is going to be installed, it asks in which language it should be shown, and when the user chooses and press "OK", a code in a different txt says the name of the language chosen. So the next time the software is shown, it first reads the name of the language and than it opens the correspondent txt and pass all the names to software, so the software is run in the chosen language.

The problem is that in this way, the software would probably take some considerable extra time to be initialized. While the idea works, its not very efficient.

So I would like to know: does somebody knows a better way to do this language stuff? If yes, please, tell me! =]

