
I want to collect all the mouse points along the mouse when I drag the mouse(left button press and move). So I wrote "mouseMoveEvent" in a Widget and getting the x, y coordinates.

If I move the mouse very slowly then only I am getting all points along the mouse.

If I move a little bit fast then I am not able to collect all the points along the mouse. It is missing some points along the path. And if the mouse move speed is over then missing many points.

So I am planing to put a while loop in "mouseMoveEvent" and then get mouse co ordinates with "Cursor:os()". Now I want to break while loop when I release mouse button.

How to know in "mouseMoveEvent" thet I release mouse button?

Is there any alternative method to do this other than putting while in "mouseMoveEvent" ?

Can you please help me what to do?

Thanks & Regards