
I have a project file, say, foo.pro

How do I do to make it automatically build both 32-bit and 64-bit in one go?

That is, I want to type "qmake; gmake" then it builds 32-bit, after done, it then builds 64-bit automatically.

I know how to do it manually, or using a script by doing "QMAKESPEC=linux-g++-64 qmake; gmake", and "QMAKESPEC=linux-g++-32 qmake; gmake"

But I want qmake to do it for me. I want to create a *.pro file, where I can do like:

TEMPLATE = subdirs
SUBDIRS = foo.pro bar.pro

Then when I do "qmake; gmake", it make both 32-bit and 64-bit for me!

My machine is Linux 64-bit, but we have to maintain both 32-bit and 64-bit applications...My Qt is 4.2.2...

Many thanks.