I have been learning to use Qt in Python using PySide. I am relatively new to Python, and have been learning PySide for two weeks now.

Today when I went to the PySide page for tutorials, they are all tutorials on QML (http://srinikom.github.io/pyside-doc...als/index.html). So now I'm a little worried. Am I wasting my time with PySide? Should I learn PySide before QML? Can I use QML with Python if I am not a Javascript user? Why does a PySide site have tutorials in QML and not pure PySide? Is it expected that modern applications will use QML in conjunction with PySide?

In terms of goals: I want to build a desktop application in which users can move around elements easily and seamlessly, and I planned to use PySide. Frankly it looks like QML might be better. If this is true, should I still just focus (for now) on learning PySide, and then once I know that to a decent level, start to put my toe into QML? That is, is there a natural learning progression where QML will come second, or since I'm just starting out, will my progress be fastest if I do both in parallel?

OR perhaps my questions show I am fundamentally confused? Sorry this is scattershot.

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