Hi All,

I have an application which uses QML Treeview. The items of the treeview needs to be editable, hence I have configured a delegate which toggles between text and textedit when user sets a flag.

Here's the code
Qt Code:
  1. ApplicationWindow {
  2. id:window
  3. visible: true
  4. width: 640
  5. height: 480
  6. title: qsTr("File System")
  8. property var clickedIndex: -1
  10. ListModel{
  11. id:listModel
  12. ListElement{
  13. colorName:"red"
  14. }
  15. ListElement{
  16. colorName:"yellow"
  17. }
  18. ListElement{
  19. colorName:"pink"
  20. }
  21. }
  23. ListView{
  24. id:listview
  25. height: parent.height
  26. width: 50
  27. model: listModel
  28. anchors.left: parent.left
  30. delegate: Component{
  31. Rectangle{
  32. color: colorName
  33. height: 50
  34. width: 50
  35. MouseArea{
  36. anchors.fill: parent
  37. onClicked: {
  38. console.log("Clicked " + colorName)
  39. forceActiveFocus()
  40. }
  41. }
  42. }
  43. }
  44. }
  46. TreeView {
  47. id: view
  48. objectName: "view"
  49. anchors.margins: 2 * 12
  50. anchors.left:listview.right
  51. anchors.top:listview.top
  52. anchors.right:parent.right
  53. anchors.bottom:parent.bottom
  55. model: treemodel
  56. selectionMode:SelectionMode.ExtendedSelection
  57. headerVisible: true
  59. TableViewColumn {
  60. title: "Name"
  61. role: "Title"
  62. width: 300
  63. delegate: Component{
  64. Item {
  65. Text {
  66. id: test
  67. text: model.Title
  68. color: model.IsSelected ? "green" : "blue"
  69. width: parent.width
  70. visible: !model.EditEnabled
  71. }
  72. TextEdit{
  73. id: textField
  74. width: parent.width
  75. visible: model.EditEnabled
  77. onVisibleChanged: {
  78. if(visible)
  79. {
  80. textField.text = model.Title
  81. forceActiveFocus()
  82. }
  84. onActiveFocusChanged: {
  85. if(!activeFocus)
  86. {
  87. model.EditEnabled = activeFocus
  88. }
  89. }
  91. onTextChanged: {
  92. model.Title = textField.text
  93. }
  94. }
  95. }
  96. }
  97. }
  98. }
  100. TableViewColumn {
  101. title: rect
  102. role:"IsSelected"
  103. width: 25
  105. delegate: Component{
  106. Rectangle{
  107. id: rect
  108. anchors.right: test.right
  109. color: model.IsSelected ? "red" : "teal"
  110. MouseArea{
  111. anchors.fill: parent
  112. onClicked: {
  113. model.EditEnabled = true;
  114. }
  115. }
  116. }
  117. }
  118. }
  119. }
  120. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

However, I want the textEdit to loose focus when i click any other item displayed in the screen.

Please provide me some pointers