I want to be able to store a QFlags variable in a database and then retrieve it later on.

I have an enum of weekdays like this:
Qt Code:
  1. enum Weekday {
  2. NoWeekday = 0x0,
  3. Monday = 0x1,
  4. Tuesday = 0x2,
  5. Wednesday = 0x4,
  6. Thursday = 0x8,
  7. Friday = 0x16,
  8. Saturday = 0x32,
  9. Sunday = 0x64
  10. };
  11. Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Weekdays, Weekday);
  13. class MyClass
  14. {
  15. public:
  16. Weekdays days;
  17. void save() {
  18. days = Monday | Thursday;
  19. //I can convert 'days' into an int no problem here
  20. }
  21. void load() {
  22. //How do I convert my stored int back into a Weekdays QFlags?
  23. }
  24. };
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I've looked through the docs on QFlags and QVariant but can't find anything pertinent.

I'm using my own enum instead of Qt::dayOfWeek because I need to have an OR'd combination of weekdays instead of just a single one.

Another way I thought of doing this is with a QBitArray the way Kde4 does it in their libkdepim library but I don't know how to store (or serialize) a QBitArray.

I'm using QSqlQuery to select and insert my data into a database.