
I am attempting to cross compile QT3.3.5 on Debian, for win32 (his is simply so that I can avoid having to reboot so frequently). It is possible (or even likely!) that I'm going about this the wrong way, but what I have done is installed mingw32, downloaded the QT/X11 source and configured it with

Qt Code:
  1. configure -static -xplatform win32-g++ -prefix /home/foobar/qt3
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

This fails with an "Internal error", however out of curiosity I commented it out in the code to see how far I could get it to compile. On running make, the following errors appear:

Qt Code:
  1. In file included from kernel/qapplication_x11.cpp:47:
  2. /home/foobar/source/qt3/mkspecs/win32-g++/qplatformdefs.h:14:19: tchar.h: No such file or directory
  3. /home/foobar/source/qt3/mkspecs/win32-g++/qplatformdefs.h:15:16: io.h: No such file or directory
  4. /home/foobar/source/qt3/mkspecs/win32-g++/qplatformdefs.h:16:20: direct.h: No such file or directory
  5. /home/foobar/source/qt3/mkspecs/win32-g++/qplatformdefs.h:22:21: windows.h: No such file or directory
  6. make[2]: *** [.obj/release-static/qapplication_x11.o] Error 1
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

So perhaps there is a better way of going about this ? (Incidentally, the header files do exist, however the same error appears when adding an explicit -I/path/to/headers...).

Any suggestions would be most welcome !

